FYI Contraception

Hertfordshire County Council wanted to reduce unplanned pregnancies, especially with women aged 18-30, by providing clear contraceptive information.

The Brief

Hertfordshire County Council commissioned Hitch to support them in reducing unplanned pregnancies by increasing awareness of the range of contraceptive methods and sexual health services across Hertfordshire. 

The Approach

Hitch conducted extensive research, and found that professionals did not feel adequately equipped to discuss the range of contraceptives, promoting more familiar, but less effective methods, e.g. the pill, rather than Long Acting Reversible Contraception. Co-creation sessions highlighted the need to be factual, to present all of the options, and to dispel some of the myths around the Long Acting Reversible Contraception methods.

The Results

Following our research, we designed a fun, fresh, magazine-style brand and produced factual, up-to-date resources that encouraged professionals to talk with confidence with their clients.

“Hitch provided us with the insight to develop and deliver an evidence-based, meaningful and successful public health campaign. They are a full service agency with expertise and innovation where we need it, be that market research, PR, digital or creative. And the positive and proactive working relationship we have with Hitch makes them a pleasure to create a campaign with.”
- Health Improvement Lead for Sexual Health, Hertfordshire County Council


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