‘Glass Half Full’ Campaign

The Brief

Hitch was commissioned to design, implement and evaluate a social marketing project aimed to reduce increasing and higher risk alcohol consumption in these areas.The aims of the campaign were to promote lower risk alcohol consumption amongst increasing (14 - 51 units) and higher (51+ units) risk drinkers, provide information and signpost to support and treatment where necessary.

At the time of commission, in those two London boroughs, almost a quarter of adults consume more than 14 units of alcohol per week. These boroughs had higher alcohol-attributable hospital admissions than the London average, higher alcohol related crime rates than average, and higher alcohol related incapacity benefit claims in comparison to national figures.

The Approach

We used desk research to look at available data and previous alcohol campaigns , findings which informed the primary research phase where we held a mixture of interviews with relevant stakeholders as well as interviews and focus groups with our target audience. Feedback from those sessions helped us define those audiences’ attitudes towards alcohol and understand their behaviours.

Those findings informed our strategy and implementation plan, leading to the birth of ‘Glass Half Full’. The campaign would target men and women aged 45+ (within this a focus on men 55+ who are generally more difficult to engage with) as well as the increasing and higher risk drinkers (80/20 split) mentioned in the original brief.


‘Glass Half Full’ was supported by a campaign-specific website, with digital ads running on Facebook and YouTube to signpost people to the site. We also produced campaign leaflets and a stakeholder toolkit to encourage partners to promote the campaign as well. 

The Results

  • Of all the people we surveyed, 20% of them recalled seeing the campaign somewhere.

  • 26% of the people who had seen the campaign reported that the campaign had changed the way they viewed alcohol, compared to 20% of people overall. 21% reported it had influenced their relationship with alcohol.

  • 20% of respondents who had seen the campaign reported that the campaign would encourage them to seek information, advice or support for themselves or a close family member or friend.

  • We recorded 1,362,801 impressions on digital channels. The overall CTR was 0.9%, exceeding the 0.7% target by 0.2%

If you would like to find out more about this or any other campaigns, please get in touch.

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