I Am Greater


Hitch was commissioned by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and the Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit to deliver a new campaign known as ‘I am greater’ for 10–17-year-olds across Greater Manchester.

The campaign promoted positive community stories by showcasing inspirational case studies of young people from across the region – including those who have been directly affected by serious violence - speaking about why they’re greater than violence and their hopes and aspirations for the future.

The campaign objectives were to:

  • Increase social unacceptability towards violence
  • Decrease perception of violence
  • Promote positive alternatives to violence.


Young people were involved at every stage of the project. This included being part of GMCA’s commissioning panel to select Hitch, taking part in research (surveys and asynchronous online focus groups), attending co-creation sessions and being case studies. adversity, so we identified eight aspirational case studies via local community groups.

We also uncovered that young people felt unsafe on transport. We launched the campaign on Snapchat, Instagram, pinpoint and out of home advertising across the transport network, upweighted to priority areas. Creative had bespoke QR codes to access the website. The website encouraged young people to be ‘greater’ than violence and achieve their future, by promoting a range of local activities for young people and help and support, if they had been affected by violence.

We produced learning activities for schools and youth clubs including assembly and lesson plans. Schools were also provided with posters, stickers and badges after completing the activities. We partnered with Media Cubs – an organisation that trains 7–10-year-olds to become journalists to interview the Deputy Mayor and our case studies, providing peer-to-peer advice.

We created several videos for parents, covering topics to increase parents’ confidence speaking to their child about violence and signposting to further help and support. Each video was hosted by an expert from community groups or the VRU.

Results and evaluation

We ran a GM-wide baseline and mid-point survey to evaluate the first burst of the campaign. The mid-point survey showed positive results.

After one burst of activity:

  • 48.4% recalled the campaign
  • Over half said they liked the campaign videos, with a further 45% saying they neither disliked or liked the videos
  • 41.8% said the campaign made them think differently, or think about doing something differently in their life 

The survey also asked young people to provide qualitative feedback on the campaign videos, feedback included:

    • “They inspired me to be something in the future. She has a goal.”
    • “She has aspirations and goals for the future I like that she has big dreams to become a midwife.”
    • “I liked how the video showed different ways of expressing yourself instead of anger and violence. It showed people how to deal with anger or violence rather than just saying don’t do it”
    • “I liked it because it lets you know you don't need to carry weapons you can be great at anything if you work hard”
    • “The video made me want to find something that I can do to improve my mental health and make sure that I never resort to violence”
    • “After watching this, I wanted to try and do better for the community”

A local youth group leader also offered feedback on the campaign:

“The campaign has done wonders… it has inspired confidence in young people.”

Kemoy Walker, CEO of KYSO youth club and secondary school teacher.

If you would like to find out more about this or any other campaigns, please get in touch.

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